Report Abuse
Report Abuse
All reports of abuse should be sent to:
Phone Numbers
+1 416.646.3304 +1 215.706.5700
Ashish Luthra c/o Afilias Limited 2 La Touche House IFSC Dublin 1 Ireland
+1 416.646.1541
Report Abuse
Using a .VOTE domain name is a privilege entrusted to those who have registered a .VOTE domain name.
Though we make every effort to ensure that registrants meet the use requirements, we know that the community is the best source for information on individuals and/or companies that use these domains illegitimately.
We take every abuse claim seriously and will review each report carefully.
If you wish to report a site or use of a .VOTE name that you believe fails to adhere to .VOTE policies, please fill out the form below completely, specify the section of the policy you believe has been breached and tell us why you believe there is a breach in as much detail as you can. We will review your claim promptly and carefully.
If you are filing a complaint for any other reason, then we recommend you file a dispute with the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) using a new and cheaper process implemented for the .VOTE Registry to resolve .VOTE disputes faster. You can also use the traditional Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) developed by ICANN.
Thank you for taking the time to assure .VOTE remains true to its mission of providing internet addresses to the democratic community.